Abstractions of the Indexes to the Civil Records of Polizzi Generosa and Isnello, Italy

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Problems With Website Resolved!

The problems we were having within the coding of this website has been resolved. All links should work properly now. If you encounter a link that doesn't work, please let me know by emailing Melanie@holtzresearch.com.

Good luck with your research!

Melanie D. Holtz, CG

Thursday, March 21, 2013

New Polizzi Generosa Abstraction Project

A new Polizzi Generosa abstraction project is now up and running!!!

Nancy Rube, the abstractor who did nearly all of the Polizzi Generosa abstractions posted on this website, has decided to continue the project on her own website.  I have included the link below for your convenience.

Click here to go to the new project's website.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Notice - Polizzi Generosa and Isnello Abstraction Project Ends

Work on this project has ceased.  However, I will keep the site up and running so that the indexes can continue to help people in their research.

If there are any questions, I can be reached at Melanie@holtzresearch.com or Melanie_Holtz@hotmail.com.


Melanie D. Holtz, CG

Saturday, August 04, 2012

Online Civil Records for Polizzi Generosa and Isnello

FamilySearch (www.familysearch.org) has begun to digitize the civil records of Polizzi Generosa and Isnello and place them online.  See the links below.  These were created from the set of records that are being held in the Tribunale (Court).  They are not done digitizing the records nor do they have them indexed yet.  However, you can page through the images!

Polizzi Generosa Records

Isnello Records

Thursday, October 04, 2007

The Surnames of Our Ancestors


Alberti/Liberti/Aliberti, Ranazzissi/Randazisi and Mirante/Miranti are my surnames in PG - Melanie Holtz - Melanie_Holtz@hotmail.com

Lima, Pantina, David, Lipuma, Vinci, Farella, Frisco, Dolce, Filippone, and Liarda - Jean Bodenstedt - vbodenstedt@wowway.com

Dolce, DiStefano, Cascio, Russoalesi and Schimmenti - Phyllis Spillane - pspillan@wiley.com

Gagliardotto, Tedesco, Virga, Chiarello, Riccobene, Termini, David, Pagano, Calderotta, Aiosa, Caruso, Maceli, Schimmenti, Barrancotto, Marro/Mario, Pantina, Allegra/Gallegra - Debbie Gagliardotto-Barbieri - finch98@verizon.net

Rubé/Rubè/Rubbe, Pasta, Cascio, Ranazzissi, Migliore, DiMartino, Badagliacca, Scarpa, DiBella, Viviano, Giambra, Bongiorno, Lunetta, Verri, Riccobene, Termini, Dolce, David, Filippone, Misuraca, di Giovanni, Prima and Notaro - Nancy Rube - Mrsrubi@aol.com

Viviano and Schimmenti - Dr. Vincent Eugene Vivian - genevivian@nj.rr.com

Nicci and Bongiorno - Aubrey Cerniglia - aubreycer@hotmail.com

DiBlasi - John diBlasi - jdiblasi@localnet.com

Bongiorno, Pagano, Riccobene, Ferraro, Sausa and Di Gangi/Di Ganci - Marie Kovac - Kovacmarie8@yahoo.com

Incaudo - Kathy Stewart - kathryn.stewart@pepperdine.edu or kstewart4stewart@yahoo.com

Dolce, Nicchi, Postestivo, Restivo, Patti, Schimmenti, DiMartino, Castellano - Donna Azarian - donnaazarian@yahoo.com

Russo/Ruffo - Turriddu - Mplhghtsthomas@aol.com

DiBlasi and Restivo - Ron Wilson - gdoldrob@earthlink.net

Taravella, Modica, Onorato, Pagano, Madria - Carol Taravella - carol_t11@yahoo.com

Sausa, Taravella, Caruso, DiMaria, DiBella, David and Gerasi - Tom Sousa - tvstas@yahoo.com

Allegro/Allegra/Gallegra, Verri, Pagano, Rampolla, Cascio - Phil Allegro - philallegro@hotmail.com

Russo, Pagano, Agliata, Pelligino - Rudy Russo - Rudy205@aol.com

Schimmenti and Mudaro - Don Modaro - dsmodaro@gmail.com

DiBlasi, Messineo, Curcio, Russo - Kathy Dunham - joyaksdunham@hotmail.com


Di Domenico, D'Alu, Virga, Leggio, Cicero, Pollina, Sideli and Currabilli/Carabello are my surnames in Isnello - Melanie Holtz - Melanie_Holtz@hotmail.com

DiMaria, Scialabba, Russo, Alberti - Susan DeMar - sue.demar@gmail.com

Cerniglia and Alberti - Aubrey Cerniglia - aubreycer@hotmail.com

Angelo/D'Angelo, Capitummino, Di Maria and Tamburello - Karen Richardi Merz - kjrfam@yahoo.com

Cannici - Angelo Cannici - acannici@snet.net

Cirincione, Scialabba, D'Angelo and Di Maria - Tom Cirincione - tomcir@yahoo.com

Bonafede and Bartolotta - Kent Ferranti - dbkf@cox.net

Forti and Grisanti - Nancy Iovenitti - na40i@yahoo.com

If you would like your surnames added to this list email me at Melanie_Holtz@hotmail.com. Hopefully this section will facilitate some connections between researchers!

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

The Project is Growing!

Here we are seven months into this project and website and we have made alot of progress. September alone saw the addition or update of 20 Polizzi Generosa indexes and 3 Isnello indexes as well several additions to the “Information” section. It remains my goal to abstract and place on this website the indexes for all the vital records for Polizzi Generosa and Isnello for the years 1820-1910.

I have started to send a monthly email update of changes made to the website. If you did not get September’s update and would like added to the email distribution list please email me at Melanie_Holtz@hotmail.com. Please indicate in your email whether it is Polizzi Generosa or Isnello that you are researching as I am keeping separate email distribution lists.

Interest has been expressed in a listserv/mailing list being created. Research is underway as to the feasibility of this. If this is something you would like, let me know at the email address above. It’ll give me a better idea of how many people would find this beneficial. From being on other mailing lists I have to say that often links are established and distant cousins reconnected through such lists.

Some other ideas that have been suggested are: 1. a section for family histories and photos and 2. a section to post city directories where our ancestors were located. The immigrants from a particular ancestral town often congregated in the same section of a U.S. town so this could be particularly helpful for other researchers.

In September I posted a “Call for Volunteers” on the website [see below]. If you are interested please contact me. You can do as little or as much as you want. I work off images I have copied from the microfilm and enter the information in a template created in Excel.


If you would like to volunteer to help in the abstraction of the indexes please contact me at the email address below. The more volunteers I have the faster I'll be able to get this information online for the benefit of all Polizzi Generosa and Isnello researchers.

If you have any comments or questions please do not hesitate to email me at Melanie_Holtz@hotmail.com."

I am excited that the website continues to grow beyond even the initial concept of posting the abstractions of the vital records. Check back often as we continue to make this website a valuable tool for those researching in Polizzi Generosa and Isnello.



Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Genealogy in Polizzi Generosa and Isnello and Abstractions of the Vital Record Indexes

My quest for my ancestor's roots in Polizzi Generosa and Isnello, Italy began 15 years ago. At first, I had no idea how to pursue researching my Italian roots but over time I learned how to research using the microfilms scanned by the LDS church. As my family tree filled in, I began to see a need for others researching ancestors from the same comunes [towns] to be able to more easily access information on the civil records of Polizzi Generosa and Isnello. Therefore the idea was conceived to abstract the indexes to these vital records. Such is the main focus of this website. These will be abstractions of the indexes, pointers if you will, to the correct LDS film number to pull the original record from. Please keep in mind that although all effort is made to make sure the abstraction is correct there is always the chance for human error on my part or the volunteers as well as on the part of the person who recorded or reported the event. So practice good genealogical research and take this information, order the microfilm and pull the microfilmed copy of the original record. The original documents have alot of information not found on the indexes. If, after viewing the original index, you find that my abstraction is incorrect please contact me and let me know what the correct information should be.

Links to the completed abstractions can be found on the right bar. If the index title begins with PG it is for Polizzi Generosa. If it begins with IS it is for Isnello.

If you come across a record that says "genitori ignoti" or "genitori incerti" it means that the parents were unknown, were uncertain or that they did not want to be identified. Sometimes these words were in reverse order as well as occasionally I've seen "incogniti genitori". When a child like this was born they were often placed on the "ruota", or a sort of wheel in the wall of the church or convent, and the wheel turned giving the child to the church to raise. If you do need to look for a birth of such a child their records are sometimes found in the regular Nascite [birth] films or occasionally they are found in the Atti Diversi [Diverse Acts]. Sometimes if the child was fostered it was given the surname of the foster family right away. You will occasionally see a few of these children with no surname at all or with a surname like Proietto/Proietta.

If an index entry shows three periods (...) or a question mark this indicates the record was not able to be clearly read. It is my goal to provide as accurate abstractions as possible. If you have questions regarding a particular index please let me know. If an abstraction has a yellow title bar or indicates a date of reverification then it has been fully abstracted and reverified. If it does not, there still is some reverification or abstraction to do. I use a double-check system that helps me catch human error. If you are unsure about an entry it would be best at that point for you to go to the actual record for the complete information. If there is information in square brackets [ ] then this is information not on the original indice or it is information without a clearly defined place in the excel spreadsheet I made for this project. I have added the information in the brackets for clarification.

Quite a few of the initial indexes for Polizzi Generosa were already abstracted and were provided to me by Jean Bodenstedt. I thank her for all of her hard work and for graciously allowing me to post this information so that other researchers might benefit. Please check back often as this will be an ongoing project. Best of luck in your research!


If you would like to volunteer to help in the abstracting of the indexes please contact me at the email address below. The more volunteers I have the faster I'll be able to get this information online for the benefit of all Polizzi Generosa and Isnello researchers.

If you have any comments or questions please do not hesitate to email me at


Nascite 1820-1825 - FHL INTL Film [ 2035480 Item 2 ] - there are no records for 1821 and 1822, 1825 ends on record 40 and says "to be continued" - on permanent loan

Nascite 1825-1830 - FHL INTL Film [ 2035481 ] - on permanent loan, 1825 starts with record #40

Nascite 1830-1837 - FHL INTL Film [ 2035482 ] - It appears they missed 1831 in the microfilming process, records and index.

Nascite 1837-1843 - FHL INTL Film [ 2035483 ] -

Nascite 1843-1849 - FHL INTL Film [ 2035484 ] - 1849 goes to record 31 then says "to be continued" - on permanent loan

Nascite 1849-1854 - FHL INTL Film [ 2035715 ] - starts with record 31 in 1849, 1850 is split into muliple volumes, each with their own index - on permanent loan

Nascite 1855-1858 Matrimoni 1820-1828 - FHL INTL Film [ 2035716 ] - the marriage records referenced here are actually marriage promises, there are no 1821 or 1822 marriages and much of 1823 is missing also, 1828 went to record 3 then says "to be continued" - on permanent loan

[**There does not appear to be any surviving 1859-1861 birth records.**]

Matrimoni 1828-1843 - FHL INTL Film [ 2035717 ] - these are actually marriage promises, on permanent loan

Matrimoni 1840-1856 - FHL INTL Film [ 2035718 ] - these are actually marriage promises, 1840 is out of order, 1841 is not indexed, no 1844 marriage promises, note that this also has the 1859 marriage promises - on permanent loan

Matrimoni 1856-1858 Morti 1820-1830 - FHL INTL Film [ 2035719 ] - the marriage records are actually marriage promises, on permanent loan

[**There does not appear to be any surviving 1859-1861 marriage records.**]

Morti 1830-1846 - FHL INTL Film [ 2035720 ]

Morti 1846-1856 - FHL INTL Film [ 2035721 ] - on permanent loan

Morti 1856-1858 - FHL INTL Film [ 2035722 Item 1 ]

[**There does not appear to be any surviving 1859-1861 death records**]

Pubblicazioni di matrimonio 1820-1834 - FHL INTL Film [ 1741007 Item 3 ]

Pubblicazioni di matrimonio 1835-1852 - FHL INTL Film [ 1741008 ] - on permanent loan, these marriage banns were written in Memorandum books and there were no indexes.

Pubblicazioni di matrimonio 1853-1858 - FHL INTL Film [ 1741009 Item 1 ] - There are no indexes and these records are in Memorandum books with a first and second part to each record. All the first parts are together, then all the second parts are together.

Atti diversi 1820-1858 - FHL INTL Film [ 2041269 Item 2 ] - on permanent loan - There is a register for all years except for 1821-1822, 1832-1834, 1837 and 1838. There are indexes for 1825, 1827-1830, 1847, 1849, 1852-1853. These records appear to be all births of abandoned children or deaths of residents that occurred elsewhere.

Allegati 1820-1824 - FHL INTL Film [ 1978292 Item 2 ]

Allegati 1824-1826 - FHL INTL Film [ 1978293 ]

Allegati 1826-1827 - FHL INTL Film [ 1978294 ]

Allegati 1828-1830 - FHL INTL Film [ 1978295 ]

Allegati 1830-1831 - FHL INTL Film [ 1978296 ]

Allegati 1831-1833 - FHL INTL Film [ 1978391 ]

Allegati 1833-1834 - FHL INTL Film [ 1978392 ]

Allegati 1834-1836 - FHL INTL Film [ 1978393 ]

Allegati 1836-1837 - FHL INTL Film [ 1978394 ]

Allegati 1837-1839 - FHL INTL Film [ 1978395 ]

Allegati 1839-1841 - VAULT INTL Film [ 1978396 ]

Allegati 1841-1843 - FHL INTL Film [ 1978397 ] - the allegati are intermingled, a search for a document on this film will take time to be thorough. Birth allegati starts with #102 in 1841. - on permanent loan

Allegati 1843-1844 - FHL INTL Film [ 1978398 ]

Allegati 1844-1846 - FHL INTL Film [ 1978399 ]

Allegati 1846-1847 - FHL INTL Film [ 1978400 ]

Allegati 1848-1849 - FHL INTL Film [ 1978401 ]

Allegati 1849-1851 - FHL INTL Film [ 1978402 ]

Allegati 1851-1853 - FHL INTL Film [ 1978403 ]

Allegati 1853-1855 - FHL INTL Film [ 1978670 ]

Allegati 1855-1858 - FHL INTL Film [ 1978671 ] - on permanent loan. The first section is 1855 marriage allegati starting with #17. Then there is Notamento di Nascita for 1856. There are two different lists, one for legitamate children #1-#189 and one for Illegitamate children #1-#23. 1857 marriage allegati begins on this film, #1-#7

Allegati 1857-1858 - FHL INTL Film [ 1978672 ] - on permanent loan. This film starts with 1857 marriage allegati #8. Then there are 1857 death allegati documents with the record numbers skipping all around. Not all death records had an attachment recorded here. Next is 1857 birth allegati documents #1-#11, all abandoned children. Then 1858 birth documents #1-#198, 1858 marriage allegati, 1858 death allegati documents and finally 1858 atti diversi documents. This last section is Notamento di Nascita's for abandoned children.

Nascite 1862-1880 - FHL INTL Film [ 2013369 Items 4-5 ] - on permanent loan

Nascite 1880-1909 - FHL INTL Film [ 2013370 ] - on permanent loan

Nascite 1909-1910 Matrimoni, pubblicazioni 1862-1899 - FHL INTL Film [ 2013371 Items 1-4 ] - on permanent loan. The 1865 supplemental marriage banns which should be on this film are instead on 2013436 after the 1866 deaths.

Matrimoni, pubblicazioni 1900-1910 Morti 1862-1895 - FHL INTL Film [ 2013436 ] - on permanent loan. The 1865 supplemental marriage banns which should be on 2013371 are on this film after the 1866 deaths.

Morti 1895-1910 Atti di cittadinanza 1869-1908 Pubblicazioni di matrimonio 1862-1865 Atti diversi 1862-1865 - FHL INTL Film [ 2013511 Items 1-3 ] - on permanent loan

Allegati 1862-1863 - FHL INTL Film [ 2016822 Item 2 ]

Allegati 1863-1865 - FHL INTL Film [ 2016822 Item 3 ]

Allegati 1865-1871 - FHL INTL Film [ 2016823 Item 1 ]

Allegati 1871-1873, 1882 - FHL INTL Film [ 2016823 Item 2 ]

Allegati 1882-1885 - FHL INTL Film [ 2016823 Item 3 ]

Allegati 1886-1890 - FHL INTL Film [ 2016824 Item 1 ] - The 1887 and 1888 marriage allegati are intermingled. There are no 1889 marriage allegati on the film.

Allegati 1890-1892 - FHL INTL Film [ 2016824 Item 2 ]

Allegati 1892-1897 - FHL INTL Film [ 2016824 Item 3 ]

Allegati 1896-1899 - FHL INTL Film [ 2016866 Item 1 ]

Allegati 1899-1901 - FHL INTL Film [ 2016866 Item 2 ]

Allegati 1901-1903 - FHL INTL Film [ 2016866 Item 3 ]

Allegati 1902-1904 - FHL INTL Film [ 2016867 Item 1 ]

Allegati 1904-1907 - FHL INTL Film [ 2016867 Item 2 ]

Allegati 1906-1909 - FHL INTL Film [ 2016867 Item 3 ]

Allegati 1908-1910, 1879-1880 - FHL INTL Film [ 2016868 Item 1 ] - on permanent loan, this film contains the allegati for only 1909 and 1910.

Allegati 1893-1894, 1902, 1905-1906, 1910-1911 - FHL INTL Film [ 1795443 Item 9 ]

Riveli 1714 - VAULT INTL Film [ 1979404 Item 2 ]

Riveli 1747 - VAULT INTL Film [ 2099109 Item 4 ]

Riveli 1747 - VAULT INTL Film [ 2099110 ]

Riveli 1747 - VAULT INTL Film [ 2099111 ]

Riveli 1747 - VAULT INTL Film [ 2099112 ]

Riveli 1747 - VAULT INTL Film [ 2099113 Items 1 - 2 ]

Riveli 1811 - FHL INTL Film [ 2121125 Item 3 ]

Riveli 1811 - FHL INTL Film [ 2121360 Items 1 - 2 ]

Riveli 1811 - VAULT INTL Film [ 1764328 Items 2 - 3 ]

Riveli 1811 - FHL INTL Film [ 1764329 Item 1 ]

Riveli 1811 (indice) - FHL INTL Film [ 2151308 Item 6 ]

Riveli 1815 - VAULT INTL Film [ 2165687 Item 2 ]

Riveli 1583 - VAULT INTL Film [ 2343667 Item 2 ]

Riveli 1583, 1584, 1607, 1616 - VAULT INTL Film [ 2343668 ]

Riveli 1616, 1607 - VAULT INTL Film [ 2343895 Item 1 ]

Riveli 1623, 1636, 1652 - VAULT INTL Film [ 2343896 Items 1 - 2 ]


Nascite 1820-1823 - FHL INTL Film [ 1618342 Item 2 ] - on permanent loan

Nascite 1823-1833 - FHL INTL Film [ 1618343 ] - on permanent loan

Nascite 1833-1842 - FHL INTL Film [ 1618344 ] - on permanent loan

Nascite 1842-1849 - FHL INTL Film [ 1618345 ] - on permanent loan

Nascite 1849-1856 - FHL INTL Film [ 1618346 ] - on permanent loan

Nascite 1857-1861 Matrimoni 1820-1828 - FHL INTL Film [ 1618347 ] - on permanent loan

Matrimoni 1829-1846 - FHL INTL Film [ 1618348 ] - on permanent loan, these are marriage promises

Matrimoni 1847-1861 Morti 1820-1821 - FHL INTL Film [ 1618349 ] - on permanent loan, these are marriage promises

Morti 1822-1843 - FHL INTL Film [ 1618350 ] - on permanent loan

Morti 1844-1861 - FHL INTL Film [ 1618518 ] - on permanent loan

Pubblicazioni 1820-1835 - FHL INTL Film [ 1740603 Item 3 ] - on permanent loan

Pubblicazioni 1836-1861 - FHL INTL Film [ 1740604 Items 1-2 ] - on permanent loan

Atti diversi 1826-1861 - FHL INTL Film [ 2038760 Item 5 ] - on permanent loan

Allegati (nascite, matrimoni, morti) 1820-1825 - FHL INTL Film [ 1860128 Items 2-3 ]

Allegati (nascite, matrimoni, morti) 1825-1830 - FHL INTL Film [ 1860129 ]

Allegati (nascite, matrimoni, morti) 1830-1833 - FHL INTL Film [ 1860130 ]

Allegati (nascite, matrimoni, morti) 1834-1836 - FHL INTL Film [ 1860131 ]

Allegati (nascite, matrimoni, morti) 1836-1840 - FHL INTL Film [ 1860132 ]

Allegati (nascite, matrimoni, morti) 1840-1843 - FHL INTL Film [ 1860330 ]

Allegati (nascite, matrimoni, morti) 1843-1847 - FHL INTL Film [ 1860331 ]

Allegati (nascite, matrimoni, morti) 1847-1850 - FHL INTL Film [ 1860332 ]

Allegati (nascite, matrimoni, morti) 1850-1852 - FHL INTL Film [ 1860333 ]

Allegati (nascite, matrimoni, morti) 1852-1856 - FHL INTL Film [ 1860334 ]

Allegati (nascite, matrimoni, morti) 1856-1859 - FHL INTL Film [ 1860335 ]

Allegati (nascite, matrimoni, morti) 1859-1861 - FHL INTL Film [ 1860336 ]

Nascite 1862-1877 - FHL INTL Film [ 1965165 Item 5 ] - on permanent loan, the 1877 birth records end with #33

Nascite 1877-1910 Matrimoni, pubblicazioni 1862-1889 - FHL INTL Film [ 1965125 Items 1-3 ] - on permanent loan, the 1877 birth records begin with #34

Matrimoni, pubblicazioni 1889-1910 Morti 1862-1882, 1881, 1883-1910 Atti di cittadinanza 1883-1903 Pubblicazioni 1903 Atti di cittadinanza 1904 Pubblicazioni 1862-1865 Atti diversi 1862-1865 - FHL INTL Film [ 1965126 Items 1-5 ] - on permanent loan, no 1892 marriage banns, this actually has citizenship records from 1866-1910, 1903 supplemental marriage banns is on this film after 1903 citizenship records.

Allegati 1862-1865 - FHL INTL Film [ 2015956 Item 1 ]

Allegati 1864-1869 - FHL INTL Film [ 2015956 Item 2 ]

Allegati 1870-1876 - FHL INTL Film [ 2015956 Item 3 ]

Allegati 1876-1878 - FHL INTL Film [ 2015957 Item 1 ]

Allegati 1879-1884 - FHL INTL Film [ 2015957 Item 2 ]

Allegati 1884-1888 - FHL INTL Film [ 2015957 Item 3 ]

Allegati 1889-1892 - FHL INTL Film [ 2016070 Item 1 ]

Allegati 1892-1896, 1912 - FHL INTL Film [ 2016070 Item 2 ]

Allegati 1896-1902 - FHL INTL Film [ 2016070 Item 3 ]

Allegati 1902-1907 - FHL INTL Film [ 2016071 Item 1 ] - on permanent loan, there are only a few 1907 marriage allegati on this film and they are out of order

Allegati 1907-1910, 1875 - FHL INTL Film [ 2016071 Item 2 ] - on permanent loan, a few 1907 marriage allegati are mixed in with the 1908 allegati

Allegati 1892, 1895-1899, 1905 - FHL INTL Film [ 1795443 Item 3 ]

Riveli 1584 - VAULT INTL Film [2382418 Item 2]

Riveli 1584, 1593 - VAULT INTL Film [2382419]

Riveli 1593, 1607 - VAULT INTL Film [2382420]

Riveli 1607, 1616 - VAULT INTL Film [2382421]

Riveli 1616, 1623 - VAULT INTL Film [2382422]

Riveli 1623, 1636 - VAULT INTL Film [2382423]

Riveli 1636 - VAULT INTL Film [2382424]

Riveli 1652 - VAULT INTL Film [2382443, Items 1 - 2]

Riveli 1714 - FHL INTL Film [ 1978409 Item 2 ]

Riveli 1747 - FHL INTL Film [2083332 Items 2 - 4]

Riveli 1747, 1756, 1758, 1747, 1752 - FHL INTL Film [2083333]

Riveli 1747 - FHL INTL Film [2083334, Item 1]

Riveli 1811 (Indice) - FHL INTL Film [2151533 Item 6] - on permanant loan

Riveli 1811 - VAULT INTL Film [ 2126421 Items 2 - 3 ]

Riveli 1815 - VAULT INTL Film [ 2154491 Item 2 ]